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Welcome to JPNV Nigdi Kendra प्रतिज्ञा ग्रहण कार्यक्रम A complete metamorphosis of our ancient society into a vibrant Nation, with spirituality at its core and manifestation of excellence and modernity into an diverse yet internally integrated human life, is the vision of Jnana Prabodhini. JPNV Nigdi Kendra JPNV Nigdi Kendra JPNV Nigdi Kendra Indoor Kabaddi Ground

ज्ञान प्रबोधिनी पुणे केंद्र

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ज्ञान प्रबोधिनी नवनगर विद्यालय


The founder of Jnana Prabodhini, Nigdi Kendra, Vachaspati Vamanrao Narayanrao Abhyankar fondly called as BHAU is a visionary, a philosopher and a hard-core educationist. Here at  Nigdi Kendra he implemented the dreams of Late Dr. V. V. Pendse, the founder of  the mother institute JNANA PRABODHINI. The dream of reforming the education system… the dream of school being the centre of transformation of the society.

Bhau experimented a lot in ‘Man making education’, ‘Value education’, ‘Character building’ and ‘Skill development’ along with his initial team – Dnyaneshwarji Sawant, Sumantai Shenoy, Alkatai Shalu, Suhasinitai Panse, Sunandatai Puntambekar, Sharadatai Chordia, Vyankatarav Bhatane, Yashantrav Limaye.

Bhau being a hardcore follower of traditional Indian philosophy – Vedas and Upanishads, reinvented GURUKUL – an education system which is based on development of PANCHKOSHAS. This concept has been practiced by many schools across Maharashtra and now is a role model.

The Education at Navnagar Vidyalaya trusts in potential of each child. Exploring one’s potential and nurturing it, is the valuable objective and practice of every section of the school. We have conviction that every student of this school will be an asset of the society and nation.

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A complete metamorphosis of our ancient society into a vibrant Nation, with spirituality at its core and manifestation of excellence and modernity into an outwardly diverse yet internally integrated human life, is the vision of Jnana Prabodhini.

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To date, this work is carried out in seven sectors by Jnana Prabodhini, viz. Education, Research, Health, Rural development, Stree Shakti Prabodhan, National Integration and Youth Organization. In other sectors, promotional activities are conducted depending on the availability of human and other resources.


Being a Psychologist by profession, Shri Appa Pendse had studied various styles of leadership for his doctoral thesis.

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A complete metamorphosis of our ancient society into a vibrant Nation, with spirituality at its core and manifestation of excellence and modernity.

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Key Area

Carried out in seven sectors viz. Education, Research, Health, Rural development, Stree Shakti Prabodhan, National Integration and Youth Organization.

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